Function - BuzzTopWordsArray()


Gets the most popular words/phrases in Excel Array format. Returns a vertical two dimensional array.

To display all results in an Excel Array, entering the function using Control-Shift-Enter. See example below. Also see Excel help for details on how to use Excel Arrays.


  1. Result Phrase Length (# of Words): Result should have how many words in a phrase? How many continious words in a row? (required value, default: 1, max: 4)
  2. Result List Length (Top how many): Result will be an Excel array containing this many words. (required value, default: 1, max: 100)
  3. Search Term(s): Limit to pages containing any of these search phrases. More information on search terms. (optional value or range)
  4. Tag(s): Limit to pages having any of these tags. (optional value or range)
  5. Start Date/Time: Fetches starting from this Date/Time should be searched. (optional value)
  6. End Date/Time: Fetches ending up to this Date/Time should be searched. (optional value)
  7. Word Proximity: Results only include words WITHIN this many words of search term's last word. Only applies within the same sentence. Irrelevant if [Words] not supplied. (optional value, default: no limit)
  8. Threshold Appearances: Results only include words that appear at least this minimum number of times. (optional value, default: 1)
  9. Omit Words: Results will not include these words. This is in addition to those listed on the App's Ignore Tab. (optional value or range)
    * Omit Words are slightly different than App Ignore Words. A result will be omitted if an Ignore Word is the first or last word. The result will also be omitted if any word is an Omit Word.


To display the full two-dimensional table of results:
  1. Select a 2-column by 10-row area of cells.
  2. Without clicking again on any cell, just start typing the formula: =BuzzTopWordsArray(1,10)
  3. Press and hold down the keys in order: Control-Shift-Enter