Parameter - Search Terms

Search Term

Finding matches is similar to a search engine like Google. For a basic search, if all the words in the search term appear anywhere on the same page, it is a match.

A word will also find 'fuzzy' matches. For example, searching for [plant] will also find [plants], [planted], [planting].


Require words be near each other by using wildcards:

"*": Words are in order and separated by any amount. This is only for whole words, not partial words (wrong: "Uni* States").

"?": Words are in order and adjacent or separated by one word. Use "? ?" for up to two words, "? ? ?" for three, etc.

"=": Words are separated by exactly one word. They cannot be adjacent. Use "= =" for exactly two words, "= = =" for three, etc.

"^": Words are separated by one or more words. This is the opposite of '?'. Use "^ ^" for at least two or more words, "^ ^ ^" for three, etc.


Unlike wildcards above, if it doesn't matter which word comes first, use:

"NEAR#": CAPS required. Words can be in any order and have up to "#" words between them. Use "NEAR0" for adjacent words.

"~": Shorthand for "NEAR0", adjacent words in any order.


"-": The word must not exist. Use before a word or phrase, eg: -word, -"some phrase". Cannot use inside quotes or with proximity wildcards (?, *, etc).


If an exact spelling or phrase is desired, use quotes("). Proximity wildcards above also work inside quotes. eg: "Cyberdyne * T3".


plantplant, plants, planting
house plant The house had many plants
planted oaks in the housing development
three ? mice three mice
three blind mice
Google NEAR2 Apple Google and Apple
Apple partners with Google
water NEAR0 bottle water bottles
bottled water
"water NEAR0 bottle" water bottle
bottle water
Obama -Barack Michelle Obama
Obama and Clinton